Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hi, this time I would like to add another brochure which showed the nutrition inside ALPHA LIPID and testimonies for people who have tried / used ALPHA LIPID

Monday, February 9, 2009

More testimonies from users

Hi everyone,

Today I will add more testimonies including two newspaper cuttings about Alpha Lipid. There are more and more people get a good result from Alpha Lipid everyday and why you are still being skeptical and suffering day by day.

These are true story for you to refer:
On this page, one of the articles is about Puan Rohani Haji Bujang who had paralysed for 5 years before she used Alpha Lipid. She was introduced to Alpha Lipid in June 2007 and started to used it & still been cynical about the product. After 2 weeks she took it she did not feel any changes and she confirmed that the product was not effectful but she still took Alpha Lipid everyday just because she did not want to waste her money.

In third week she started to feel changes in herself and she felt her body recovered day by day and she also free from stress which she had before. As results to her continuous usage, in the same week she could stand and pray in a normal position. She really feel grateful to God that she found this product !

In this article, one man in Malacca had problem to sleep for 30 years but after used Alpha Lipid he could sleep again after years!

These are more tetimonies for you to refer. Alpha Lipid Lifeline might help you and start today!

Call us @ drop your email at ros_iamm @ to know how you could get it send to your home within few days!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Alpha Lipid & Awards

Hello everyone,

Alpha Lipid is a product which have been tested in international labs and proved as a good health product by users in Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan, & Singapore. Based on all of the positive testimonials, New Zealand government has awarded the product with the fern leaf logo as a trade mark of New zealand product. The fern leaf logo is only awarded by the government to the best product of the country.
The 'Fern leaf' logo awarded by the New Zealand government

This product is also save and clean, especially for the Muslims. The New Zealand Islamic Processed Food Management has approved and testified it as a halal prouct from New Zealand. Kindly refer to the certificate and logo used on the product container.

Therefore I hope all friends outside there do not hesitate to take it as your daily drinks & suppliment. Its healthy, easy, save & halal! TRY it today!!!